Hookahset For Beginners | All You Need To Know

Putting together your first hookahset can be fun yet challenging!

If we look back a decade, the hookah market was much simpler back then. There were quite a few brands available that made and still make hookahs, bowls, hoses, and tobacco options. At that time, coconut coals weren't available. For someone who just started with a hookahset back then, it was pretty easy. This is because there were only some selected companies who sold accessories for your hookah set up. Today many brands create hookah set up in the market. There are also many style options and other considerations while purchasing a hookahset. Since that time, the market has evolved a lot, and for an average hookah consumer, there are many options. The abundance of choices for a hookah consumer is vast.


Now, this is all great. But, as a beginner, there are some things you need to know about a hookahset. First, you have to decide where to start. 

You must have been to a hookah lounge if you are reading this article. You must have smoked a few times at a friend's house, and now you are excited to get a personal hookahset. It sounds nice and all to enjoy a casual evening smoke at home after a long day's work. You can always ask your friends and people at your local hookah lounge how to get started. But opinions always differ. This would lead to a more confusing journey during your hookahset purchase. This is the reason why we are here. We will provide you with some clear, helpful advice gathered from trustworthy sources. We have seen people with decades of hookah experience, so here are a few good pointers. These will help you to make your first hookah set up and become a proud smoker! 

Different Parts Of The Hookah

Before getting your hookahset, we are going to discuss the various parts of a hookah. 

1. The Hookah:

We suggest that you get something practical and start with something basic. But select products that have value and are not cheaply made. Of course, if you are a regular smoker, getting a good hookah is recommended. But until you are very serious about your hookah smoking session, various small hookahs smoke perfectly well. These even look great for a fraction of the price. 

Hookah with size variations between 14 inches to 26 inches tall is recommended. A small hookah lesser than 14 inches tall does not hold much water. So, it is better to avoid them. The more water the hookah's base holds, the more you will benefit from them. You will see better filtration and cooling of smoke happening efficiently. 

Hookahs which are larger than 26 inches are perfect! But, these cost a lot more! But no need to sweat it, the performance of the smaller hookahs is just as excellent as the large ones today. 

Have a great time and grab a hookahset that suits your style. 

You can purchase a hookah set up, which includes free tongs. With these, you can handle your charcoal with a hookah purchase. 


2. The Hose:

There are mainly three types of hookah hoses. 

The Traditional Hose

These hoses have been around for decades. These were the only option found in the hookahset market for many years. The main advantage of such a hose is it has a metal mesh. This helps the hose's tubing to help hold shape. The mesh is covered in multiple fabrics. These include cloth, leather, etc. However, there are two issues with these hoses. The first one is restricted airflow. The next issue is the inside diameter of these hoses, which is usually a little tight, which requires you to pull harder with your lungs when taking a hit. These are also not washable. Once water gets inside this hose, the mesh will start to rust slowly and break apart. This creates debris when inhaling from the hose. When this happens, make sure that you buy a new one. 

Washable Silicone

This is what we recommend to most of our users. A washable silicone hose made from medical-grade material provides better performance and longevity. These are made out of anodized aluminum hose handles and base connectors. The interesting fact about these hoses is that they are washable. A quick flow of water inside the hose will clean out any flavor. The above elements are resistant to particles, so they do not hold flavor when rinsed. 

Disposable Hose

This is the third type of hose mainly made out of light plastic material. These are mostly to be used once by a customer in a hookah bar and then thrown away. Unfortunately, these aren't durable and cannot be used repeatedly as the plastic cracks and air escapes. 

3. The Bowl:

There are many types of bowls you can choose from. The variation includes traditional Egyptian clay bowls to stoneware to glass bowls, and much more. It is essential to select the perfect bowl since it would determine the efficiency of your hookah session. 

4. The Coal:

Coconut coals are pretty trendy nowadays. These even come at a meager price. Purchasing a pack of coconut coal would run for at least 12 hookah sessions. 

Coconut coals take longer to light, roughly 10 minutes, but last much longer than other coal options and have a cleaner taste. 

Any brand of coconut coals would work for your beginner hookah session. Once you become more experienced with heat management, you will adjust the coconut coal style and size best suited to your heat preferences. 

5. The Tobacco:

There are two significant types of tobacco available with a hookah set up. These are blonde leaves and dark leaves. The blonde leaf is lighter in nicotine and easier to inhale. However, intermediate and professional smokers often use dark leaves with a taste and tolerance for a more robust tobacco experience. 


Ending Note

You are now good to go with your hookahset! Are you ready to pack your bowl with some tobacco and smoke away? Then what are you waiting for? Jump into the vast world of hookah smoking sessions and fire away your breath in the exotic flavours!

Hurry up and get yourself a hookah set up today!


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