How to Make a Hookah Taste Fresher?

We understand that everything cannot be perfect every time but listening to the bad comments like, “Yuck, this Hookah tastes so bad” makes us sad because we know that an ideal Hookahset should offer relaxation, needs to be tasty, and not burn the throat. But as we always say, there isn’t any right equation that should be followed to prepare the right hookah.

Follow the mentioned tips to always enjoy your Hookah session and feel the freshness of the flavors.


Put Ice Cold Water:

The basic principle of preparing Hookah is to include cold water. There isn’t any doubt that the water inside will get warmer while you start smoking, therefore, you should never include warm water in it. Warm water will get even more warm, resulting in a bad experience.

You definitely don’t wanna sweat while smoking Hookah. Rather you would love to just enjoy its flavors while keeping the temperature in control.

Making the hookah taste fresh, you can add ice cold water into the bottle – because it will stay longer, and while it warms slowly, it ensures keeping the temperature under control.

Note: Even when the ice cold water can deliver a fresh Hookah session, it can also tone down its tobacco flavor. Also, check if the hookah set up is perfectly made before starting.

Include fresh and wet quality tobacco:

Moving forward – the next very essential tip to ensure fresh Hookah is by keeping the tobacco away from direct sunlight but in a dry location.

In case you are sure that you will not smoke in the coming period of time, to uphold its freshness, you can put it in the resealable bag and don’t let it come in touch with air.

Remember that when it comes to enjoying the flavor, tobacco is the major inclusion on the hookahset– therefore, purchase the quality tobacco available in the market.

However, if somehow you could find a pack of tobacco in your house and cannot recall the buying date, try to find out if you opened it in the last two months. In case it is yes, you can carry one but if it is vice-versa, we will suggest you not to make any attempt of experimenting with it.

If you are bad with your memories like most of us, this quick fix can be a smart tip – you can mix the old one with the fresh tobacco to get new flavors. Sorry! Cannot guarantee the flavors, but when you choose a quality flavor, of course, the result will be great.

Don’t skip blowing some air out:

The next crucial tip and trick for making the hookah taste fresh are by blowing the air out gently from time to time.

When it is about smoking hookah, when we recommend you to blow out, it means that you have to simply blow air into the hose so that the air inside the hose moves out to the bottle. Then, from here, air will travel through its valve, thereby working as ventilation.

To be more precise, when you blow out, it can help to replace “old” smoke with the “new” one. But make sure you don’t blow it hard – as it will simply move the water into the bowl and spoil everything. Your mood – your session – and if the day is bad, even it can ruin the Hookahset.

Use the right amount of tobacco:

In life, there are times when we are a mess, and we have to push our limits and do the best we have got – but of course, this is not applicable to tobacco.

When it is about the tobacco, “less is more” is an appropriate principle to prepare the bowl. Exaggerating tobacco can lead to hazard – a serious health hazard.

You can buy the phunnel or vortex bowl available in the market in a range of shapes and sizes to prevent the juice from getting into its vase or the bottle. This ensures a long-lasting taste and for an extended amount of time.

Note: You will find holes on the bowl – do not pack above these holes but leave space between the tobacco and the foil. This prevents from burning and ensures clean holes.

Bottom Line:

Other than these, you need to make sure of changing its water after every session and maintain the hookahset properly to ensure a fresh smoking session.

These tips and tricks can become valuable for you to enjoy the freshness of a great tobacco flavor.


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