Does Smoking Hookah and Vaping feel the Same?

In the last few years, there has been a lot of advancement in the smoking industry. Vaping has become an alternative to smoking but the major question always remains the same. Does vaping feels like Hookah? Therefore let us start from the basics. Define Hookah Hookahs are the water pipes that are used for smoking shisha tobacco. The Hookahset is available in various styles, sizes, and shapes but the basic functionality and parts are the same. While smoking hookah, smoke gets generated at the top of the bowl. Then it passes down the stem to its base where it gets filtered through water. Then again, it passes up from the hose when you are inhaling. Define Shisha The tobacco used in the Hookah which is smoked is known as Shisha. This tobacco is a lot different from pipe tobacco or cigarettes as the Shisha tobacco as the wet one. This is done by combining honey or molasses, flavoring, and glycerin. The proper combination enables giving amazing flavors which soak into the leaves thereby...